Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Time For Changes

Well this past week or so has been pretty nonstop. It has involved some adventures though including failed attempts to go to the snow. i've continued to spend lots of time with caitlyn and the ibanez's which has been fun and they've definitely been pushing me further in the whole social aspect as well as the nocturnal arena. between that time i have also managed to finally get a job again, which is amazing. it took forever! i have started training and it seems like a pretty straight forward kinda thing. i am now a student advisor, all the work is done over the phone though. i have also started school back up, cue the homework and boredom. the good news is though, i like all of my professors, which helps a lot. lastly, me and caitlyn have decided we're going to NY this summer to visit danielle and everybody, as well as CO to visit her grandparents. should be a good time. overall i'd say this last week or so has been very busy and full of change. i definitely think this is a new chapter in my life. we shall see what all it involves. Praise Him Always!

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