Wednesday, February 13, 2008

smores! who could want more?

well once again, i have begun to slack on my blogging duties. i have been quite busy with school and work lately. i've also been working hard on getting the spaghetti dinner worked out. its alot more work than i expected but it needed to be done if i wanted the funds for Russia this year. things are finally falling together again. we have the date set for the dinner and the restraunt knows how many people and all of that. also, i got a few more pledges for money so that's good. its looking more and more promising that i'm going back to Russia. i can't wait to go back! me, chelsea, and jake went back to santa rosa on saturday again. it was fun but i don't think chelsae was enjoying it that much and it brought things down a little bit. we got to make smores too! yummy! i love making smores. i am officially sick once again though. yuck. i think i never got all the way over the cold i had in january but whatever. :) have a blessed week!

Monday, February 4, 2008

assistant managers and checking accounts

well school has been going pretty well. nothing too exciting there. work is alright. we have a temporary assistant manager right now that i can't stand though. he drives me up the wall! he gave us all these stupid nicknames that we have to go by and he tried drawing on my face with permanent marker. he needs to go! i'm sick of his nonsense, i want lisa back! :( so today i went online to check and make sure that everything was ok with my checking account and my retard mom just screwed it all up. i had given her a check and then asked her to not cash it. so i gave her cash instead. so yesterday she went and cashed it anyways. now i'm overdrawn and my check for russia will bounce! ugh! so sick of checking accounts! i hate taking care of money and making sure there's the right amount in it still. cash is so much easier! oh well whatever, but i'm giving my mom serious crap when she gets home!