Thursday, January 13, 2011

You've Never Been To Coronado!?

it has definitely been a full week. caitlyn has continued to kidnap me and take me on adventures. we were able to hangout with sarah and josh for a while at the mall on saturday and work on josh's closet. afterwards, i went to britney's 16th birthday party. i can't believe she's 16 already. so crazy! she had a dj'd party, which was fun and i had alot of time with breanna finally. sunday brought a service that i wasn't working on anything. it was unusual but nice. the smith's and compton's came over to watch the playoffs and we all hungout for the day. we finally got some stuff figured out as well. monday brought rest after constant motion the days before. i got alot done though that morning and met with carrie for our study. college group was awesome and refreshing, i was so glad to be back. we went and hung out at tgif for a while after as well. tuesday brought a trip to grossmont to pay for the upcoming semester. afterwards i went to grandma toni's and i finally saw coronado island for the first time. headed back to temecula when we were done and went to melissa's to teach her how to knit. she totally ended up making a scarf that looked more like a bikini but she's learning. then off to caitlyn's house to spend the night. tuesday brought an early start as we went to the ice skating rink with josh and caleb. it was a total blast skating around and goofing off. josh knocked me down twice, so i'm sore and bruised now but it was worth it. of course, since we went ice skating we had to get chipotle. after stuffing our faces, we all headed home. i got some rest and then headed to church. it was small last night but nice. i spent some time catching up with sophie afterwards at barnes & noble, a great time of fellowship if you ask me. now today brings my sister's 20th birthday. she is officially out of the teens. later tonight we'll go bowling and out to dinner before youth group. hopefully she has a good time. happy birthday, nana. Praise Him Always!

1 comment:

butterflies_wink said...

Thanks I am glad you had fun on our adventures!