Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sick of being sick

Well, I've been in school about 3 weeks now and i've finally gotten everything mellowed out and into a schedule now. I have my classes on a fast track schedule, so the work load is crazy! (basically a semester is normally 4 or 5 months long but i'm doing it all in 2 months or less) I am getting very excited about going back to Russia again. I cant believe its been a year already! I will be having final exams the week before i leave, so i've been slowly packing things i wont need here such as snow jackets and boots. i somehow ended up almost completely packed, i just need to add my toiletries and pj's basically. this has helped me feel a little bit less stressed about trying to get everything done because i have one thing almost finished. i am also sick for the third time in the last month. i was sick with some throat problem all last week and now i have a cold. I just want to be healthy again, but i think the lack of sleeping and all the stress is making it hard for me to stay healthy. i hope i wont get sick while i'm over in Russia like i do every year. its so annoying. other than school and being sick all the time, not a whole lot has happened. I am currently working on the fundraising for my trip right now, i have already turned in $1450 but i still need to raise another $3550. so much money! i know that God will provide though. I just need to trust Him. Praise Him always!