Friday, July 31, 2009

How many Teresa's does it take to complete the next few weeks?

well my best friend has now been wrongfully fired from starbucks as well. i find it dishearting to know that these things can continue to happen and nobody can stop it. she'll be leaving for Fiji tomorrow on a missions trip and i wont see her for two weeks. its sad to think i wont see her for that long but we'll both be really busy during that time. today i'm supposed to meet up with one of my old co-workers for lunch, meet up with another one to stock up for the retreat, go visit another friend who's injured, and spend time with Carissa before she leaves for Fiji. i think it's gonna be a busy day. tomorrow i will have to pack and clean up a little bit because sunday, right after church i leave for the retreats. i was only supposed to be the counselor for high school but the jr high counselor backed out. so i'm going up the mountain with the jr highers and then staying there until the high schooler leave a week later. once i finally get home from the retreat, i'm supposed to turn around and go up to anaheim to go to disneyland with my mom for her birthday. then i'll have a day or two to finish changing my room before natalie and irina get here. then the fun times will begin))it's going to be a very fun next couple weeks but its going to be very long and tiring. please pray that i will have patience with the people around me and the energy to accomplish everything i need to up at camp.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sometimes you need to tear down to build up

well it has definitely been a long time since i've updated this thing. i believe its been since before i went back to Russia. life's been interesting lately. alot of things have changed. i no longer have my job at starbucks. as most of you know, i was framed for a lot of stuff there and ended up being fired for things i didn't do. after that, i ended up babysitting Breanna and Nicholis (the kids who used to live with us) that was one of the coolest jobs, God blessed me to allow me to have it. i was able to hang out with the kids that i really care about and just hang out with them and be an encouragement to them. i no longer work as their babysitter anymore but i know that God has already set aside a new job for me. i just need to sit back and trust instead of stress about it. its been cool lately too. since i don't have a regular job, i have a flexable schedule and i've been able to spend more time with my christian friends and have fellowship. it was difficult at starbucks being constantly surrounded by filth. so its been awesome to be able to detox and be surrounded with God's word and people for a while. my walk has improved so much lately and i'm so excited about it. God's been tearing apart alot of aspects of my life but sometimes to need to tear down to build up. here's my recommended reading for the day 1 peter 1 and also the book called captivating for you girls. its absolutely amazing. it'll totally change your perspective on life as a christian woman. Praise Him always!