Thursday, March 25, 2010

Christianity takes Sacrifice and Discomfort

well i have been here about a week and a half now and it has been alot of change. i have been able to see all my friends over here and hang out with them for a little bit. so its been really nice. i get along with my roommates really well now and i will probably maintain relationships with them even after we all move out. i have mostly been going to alot of long and boring meetings lately, mostly to work out details for the english camp. i was able to meet up with my adel for a while yesterday and really talk to her about alot of things that have been going on in her life. it was cool being able to have a heart to heart with her. i think she really needed it. i have been having a really hard time lately being focused on God and what i need to do. unfortunately guys have been a huge distraction when i wish it wasn't. i have been praying for about a year now for God to take away these feelings and this distraction and He still hasn't done that. he's in so many of the same places i am now and its so frustrating and hard not to care. i have asked some of my friends to really pray about this for me. i do not want anything to distract me while i'm here, i want my focus to ever be on God. i really let go of control of all of this situation because over the past year, i haven't been able to solve the problem in my own power. i eventually came to the conclusion that there was only one way to solve this problem. i talked to him this morning and explained the situation. i told him that yes i had feelings for him unfortunately and its very distracting. so i couldn't come up with any other answer but to tell him that we can't talk anymore unless its important or for ministry. i am saddened that i had to mess with this friendship and make it awkward but i want nothing to stand in between me and my walk with God and my feelings were in the way. he was thankfully very understanding and supportive. i didn't want to think i was mad and stopped talking to him or anything, so i explained it all. hopefully this is the solution and answer to prayer. if GOd wants something to happen, He can work around this situation but i will not be the one to try to force this to happen. His will and His will alone. Praise Him always!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Priviet Russia!

well, the time has finally come for me to move to Moscow. All those months of desperately trying to raise money in time and mounds of paperwork have finally paid off. I am currently sitting in my apartment in Moscow. this cold and dark city somehow still manages to maintain a sort of beauty and draw to it. my flight was pretty good. it was definitely the longest trip to Russia i've ever had to endure but thankfully it felt like my fastest. the time flew by probably by the grace of God. I clearly felt everyone's prayers around me through the entire trip. I should've been stressed out, tired, and lonely but i felt none of those things. I had pretty bad jetlag my first night and i was a walking zombie on monday and tuesday. however, i am finally back in action and ready to take on this new adventure at full speed. in alot of ways i still dont feel like i have moved here. i feel like i am only here for a visit and in many ways i am. i am not a permanent resident of russia. i am a guest for the next 3 months and as such i am to remain on my best behavior. everything i do during this trip will be carefully watched and considered as the leadership decides if they want me to come back for a more permanent stay. at this point in time, i am very much ok with that possibility and dont want to go back to the states. i'm told however, that i am due for some serious culture shock and homesickness in about another week or two when the americans leave again and i'm still here. prayer will definitely be needed for that part. God, i pray for this trip, that you would use it to the fullest. that you would allow me to do your work your way and in your timing. allow none of me to take control of my time here. May it all be for you. Please dont allow drama among other girls or guys become any kind of distraction for me. please remove my concern for the cctv youth group while i'm gone. please comfort and protect them through this time. please allow me to still be there for them when they need me as well. please allow me to be a witness to my kids over here and anyone else i come into contact with. do not let me miss any opportunities to glorify You. i pray that you would give me the energy, finances, and time i need to accomplish all these things according to your purpose. I praise You and love You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One month later

Well, i have finally finished being sick every other day and have been restored to health. the stress level hasn't diminished yet but on occasion it does lower. i have raised quite a bit of money lately i'm at $3,785 i think. i still need another $700 to "survive" but i'll need more to be able to actually do things. school is almost done, i am one 10 page paper and 2 finals away from being free. i am so happy that its almost over again. i will be leaving for moscow very soon. in about 10 days. i'm so excited and so nervous at the same time. i can't wait to see my friends and hang out with them and work with my kids. i understand though, it comes at a price. i have to say goodbye to everything i know. that brings some weight into the mix. though i feel an almost constant state of excitement, i cant help feel worry and sorrow. i know i can't blame myself for chelsae's decision to date matt but i know that my leaving is why she is so anxious to find someone. she's afraid to be alone for those 3 months. I also cant help feel severely guilty about leaving the youth group. i mean i understand that i dont own the youth group and i'm not the most important person there but i also know that i hold a big piece of it. as much as layne and scott do to allow us to go on the retreats, i end up taking care of alot of the organisational stuff. I'm afraid they're gonna leave the paperwork or something at the retreat in a few weeks. also, i know that the kids wont open up to layne, scott, or claudette. i'm the one that all of them talk to about everything. i'm the one that has to deal with all the problems and i'm the one that resolves them. i cant help feeling like the youth group is gonna fall apart or go nuts while i'm gone. i feel like i can't help them like i normally do, if i'm gonna be gone all this time. i also feel like something is gonna go really wrong with my sister or dillon while i'm gone. i can't shake that feeling and it really scares me. i mean, i wont be there to do anything about it. are these irrational fears? i'm not really sure. i'm also kinda afraid i'll end up getting homesick or hardcore culture shock even though i've been there a million times. i guess time will tell...Praise Him always!