Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kidnappings and Nerf Bullets

Well once again i have slacked on my blogging duties. it has been a busy couple of weeks. i have been spending a lot of time with caitlyn lately as she seems to believe i am depressed and must be distracted. my and my friend have, once again stopped talking, this time it may be permanent. i don't know. the decision is entirely up to him and God. we have finally come to realize that the "just friends" title no longer works for us and apparently now its all or nothing. unfortunately, this point in time its nothing. the hope is to one day return to speaking again but i have no guarantees of such a thing ever happening. thus caitlyn believes i am depressed and need to be out of the house. it has been fun to be kidnapped and taken on random adventures with her though, so i definitely can't complain. i managed to experience some drug deals in murrieta and a naked man with carrie and carissa, this vacation has been eventful to say the least. we also celebrated christmas and new years since i last updated. christmas was good, we spent time down in SD with my grandma and the rest of my mom's family minus crappy uncle. it was nice to be able to hangout with everyone, watch football and movies, and make fun of each other. (this is a loving tradition on that side of the family) new years also went well. i spent alot of the day taking care of things at home but afterward i was able to spend some time at mikael's house before their party. i left the taylor's house and went to a swing dancing party. me and caitlyn didn't stay long but it was fun while we were there. then off to carol's house where we watched the kids, movies, and stuffed our faces with carol's delicious snacks. overall i think it went rather well. now life is once again starting to mellow back out before school starts back up. i am currently up in LA for a couple days watching Joey and Gino while their parents work. so in between blowing up army men and shooting each other with nerf bullets, i have managed a spare minute to update this thing. 2 more weeks before school starts, just enough time to freshen up on my russian and figure out what i'm gonna do about that stupid math class i took. wth!? hope all has been well with the rest of you. Praise Him Always.

1 comment:

butterflies_wink said...

I like kidnapping people it's fun!!