Thursday, June 16, 2011

On the Run

True to my nature, I have waited almost a month to update this blog. I've had a few different things during this time that i believe are worth mentioning. After this last update, I spent about 2 weeks down in Chula Vista taking care of my grandma who had knee surgery and had trouble moving around her house. i came back in town however, because my sister finally graduated high school. its been a long and difficult road but she made it. it was nice to have all of the family together to support her. after that I found myself visiting Austin at his school on my free days and soon going to his going away party. thankfully, i knew ahead of time that it would be difficult but i don't think I could've possibly prepared myself enough. it's been really hard to experience this separation even though its been a rather short span of time. its a strange feeling not hearing from him everyday but it will be a trial period and a chance for us to really pray about if this is really what God wants for us. I was able to go up to my aunt's house in LA after he left which was nice to have a distraction, and I love hanging out with that aunt. I managed to come home a whole day before leaving for mission viejo for the week. I'm currently there, actually. visiting my cousin and my aunt and uncle for a while. its been several years since i visited them so i figured it was high time. Saturday I will be heading back to town to support Amy as she graduates and stay in town a grand total of 4 days. Then i'm back off to LA and then Dallas until July 3. seems to be a busy month for me and next month I'll be up in LA weekly as well. I suppose its better to stay busy and distracted that have a bunch of time at home moping and bored. We shall see how the rest of this summer unfolds.

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